Visiting the Sick

He Wanyi was surprised, so she went to the hospital with He Wanning. He Wanyi would always tell anything she knew to Ning Yan. At the time when she recounted the matter to Ning Yan, he had been discussing things with He Wanzhou, so the latter also found out what happened to Xiao Rou. Since He Wanzhou came to be in the know, Yang Mukun naturally also found out. Thus, by the time He Wanyi and He Wanning arrived at the hospital, all of them had already come over.

He Wanyi looked at them, asking, "Why are you all here?"

"Why didn't you tell us about it? Aren't we friends?" Yang Mukun asked.

He Wanning didn't bother to talk with them and went straight into the hospital. The crowd followed him in. When they appeared at the ward, Xiao Sa, who was standing in the corridor, was stunned. Why had they suddenly shown up here together…?