Something Only You Fairies Have

Tang Xi pulled her hand back from Lin Ru's and forced a smile, saying, "I… but now I'm Mom and Dad's child."

"You can have two moms and dads," Lin Ru said, excitedly grabbing Tang Xi's hand. "Yes, you can! Isn't it better to have two moms and dads to love you? Rourou, please, I'm begging you. Please give me a chance to make it up to you."

Tang Xi pulled back her hand again, jumped to her feet and replied hesitantly, "I want to be alone. Would you please go out for a while? I'd like to think about it."

Seeing the discomfort on her daughter's face, Lin Ru knew that she had gone too far, so she hurriedly nodded and said, "Okay, I won't force you. Take your time. Don't be tired…"

Tang Xi reached out and closed the door. It was undeniable that Lin Ru, as a mother, was really good to her child.