He Knows

Qin Xinying almost stumbled to the ground. She struggled to get up and wanted to curse, but then she saw a man standing beside the French window of the lounge with his hands clasped behind him. He looked as lonely and cold as a wolf at night, dangerous yet seductive.

Qin Xinying forgot to be angry. She stood still as she looked at the man's back and called out softly, "Qiao Liang?"

Qiao Liang looked back at her, pointed to the sofa beside him and said in a low voice, "Miss Qin, please take a seat."

Qin Xinying was flattered. This was the first time that Qiao Liang had spoken so politely to her.

When Qiao Liang and Tang Xi were together, she once hung out with them, but Qiao Liang had never looked at her as all his attention was put on Tang Xi. Even when he bought ice cream, he would only buy one for Tang Xi while ignoring her. He was such a ruthless and cold man, but he had still stolen her heart.