She is Xixi!

"Ah Liang, don't speak to me like this." Tang Xi said, tears running out of her eyes. Qiao Liang's cold heart suddenly jolted because of her tears. He grabbed Tang Xi's shoulder and asked angrily, "Who the hell are you? How do you know Xixi's email address and password?! Why did you pretend to be her and send emails in her name?"

Tang Xi smiled bitterly. "I thought you would always recognize me no matter what I become," she whispered, looking at Qiao Liang who suddenly froze. "Ah Liang, I am Xixi."

As if struck by a bolt out of the blue, Qiao Liang looked deeply at Tang Xi and said coldly, "Don't make me ask you for the third time!"

"I don't know why!" Tang Xi cried out, biting her lips as she looked at the man who disbelieved her. She continued, "The plane suddenly jolted so violently that I fell into the sea before I had any time to react. I saw myself blown to pieces and when I woke up, I had become Xiao Rou."