I Am with Xixi

As expected, the journalists chased after their car, but they had left the road section of the school. The car sped away as Qiao Liang stepped hard on the accelerator. Tang Xi looked at Qiao Liang with a sweet smile on her face and asked, "Why are you here?"

It felt like they had returned to the time when they had just fallen in love. Although they had taken the same major, they had chosen a different optional course. Every time they were in different classes, she would leave her class in advance and wait for him outside his classroom. When he saw her, he would sneak out from the classroom and run to the dining hall holding her hand.

Qiao Liang took Tang Xi's hand and spoke in a low voice. "I've finished my work." He didn't want to tell her that he woke up this morning and thought everything up until now was a dream, which was why he had come over to confirm whether he had really been dreaming or not.