Sorry You Can't Get What You Want

No one present was stupid. Seeing Tao Yan's evasive eyes, they knew that she was definitely afraid of something, but they still dared not believe Tang Xi's bold guess. If it really was as what she said, then when had this conspiracy begun? How many years ago?

Realizing her slip of the tongue, Tao Yan was in a hurry to leave, but then she saw Xiao Jinning being suddenly pushed into the hospital by Xiao Jing and Xiao Sa, so she stopped and looked at Tang Xi, crying out, "What do you want?!"

Tang Xi sneered and looked coldly at them. "Afraid? Unfortunately, it's too late." Looking at Xiao Jinning, who walked over with a frown, she said coldly, "There are too many people here. Let's find another place to talk. This is a hospital. We'd better not make a scene here."