What Did You Call Me

Lin Ru woke up, only to see Tang Xi standing in front of her. Her eyes grew red and she turned her head to one side, refusing to see Tang Xi. She felt that she didn't deserve to be Rourou's mother. She had terrible parents, so she brought her daughter terrible grandparents. How could she face her daughter?

Tang Xi was surprised to see that she refused to see her and wept secretly instead of bursting into tears of joy, becoming ecstatic or embracing her emotionally…

Yang Jingxian stood beside Tang Xi and gave her a gentle push. Tang Xi looked at Yang Jingxian and the latter gave her a nod. Tang Xi stepped forward and took hold of Lin Ru's hand, saying gently, "Mommy, it's all over. Everything will be all right. Don't be sad."

Lin Ru shook her head, but then she received a shock all of a sudden. She looked back at Tang Xi and asked with a trembling voice, "What did you just call me?"