A Phone Call

Seeing the people in her ward, Tang Xi suddenly realized how naïve she had been, trying to keep what happened to her from her parents. Under Xiao Jing and Xiao Sa's angry stare, Tang Xi quickly raised her hand and apologized, "I was wrong. I was wrong, but I didn't know I was so fragile!"

Yang Jingxian looked at Tang Xi helplessly. In the end, she didn't scold her but said softly, "I'll call your head teacher and ask for a week's leave…"

Tang Xi blinked. It seemed that this was the only choice. It was impossible for her to go to class after undergoing an operation.

Xiao Sa stood at the head of the bed and looked at Tang Xi with a gloating smile over his lips, saying, "Well, Sister, I'm afraid you'll lose the bet if you keep being absent from school, won't you? Then are you going to buy me a limited edition roadster?"

Tang Xi was speechless. He was literally gloating!