Welcome in

The young man seized her by the collar and walked into the building. "Let's go. Aren't you here for an interview in the personnel department today? I'll go with you."

"What does it matter to you that I go to the Personnel Department for an interview? I can go by myself!" Although the girl said this, her face was full of undisguised happiness. "Are you worried that I'll be lost?"

"I'm worried about you causing a traffic jam, okay?" The young man grabbed the girl walked to the left and then dragged her to the right. "The Personnel Department is on the right!"

"Hey, you can hold my hand. It's embarrassing to walk like this." The girl complained and patted the young man's hand. The young man didn't dodge her. Though he didn't smile, his handsome face was filled with happiness. He deliberately put on a straight face. "You can't walk if I don't drag you."