The Proud President Qiao

With that, Little Five looked at the mountainous piles of files with a faint smile. The others immediately got what he meant. Yes, it was Young Master who made Gu Yun work like a dog! No matter what Young Master asked him to do, he would do it without any complaints… Well, no, he would do it even though he wanted to complain about it!

Gu Yun was going to retort when his cellphone rang. He took a look at the caller ID and unconsciously stood upright. He picked up the phone and said, "Young Master."

On this side, Tang Xi was sitting beside Qiao Liang and watching him making the phone call. Qiao Liang helplessly rubbed her hair. "Come to the First High School of City A by taxi and pick me up. Bring me breakfast too. I haven't had any yet. "Qiao Liang took a look at Tang Xi, coughed and paused. "A nutritious breakfast at that please. I'm waiting for you here."

He then hung up the phone.