Destroy Them

Lu Guangxiong swung his arm and shook Luo Xiaoli down to the ground. He looked down at her and said coldly, "If you are going to keep being like this, get out of my face!"

"Lu Guangxiong, what do you mean? Now you've lost your money you want to go back to Qiao Yuxin?" Luo Xiaoli sitting on the ground, sneered and looked up at Lu Guangxiong, laughing, "Now are you going back to that cripple? You want to dump me and go back to that cripple just because she is rich, right?"

"Shut up!" Lu Guangxiong squinted at Luo Xiaoli who was acting like a shrew, and said coldly, "Read some books. Don't stay idle all day long. Look at you. You're just like a village shrew! No, even village shrew is better than you!"