Arrogant Hostage

Tang Xi acupunctured Qiao Yuxin after giving her a massage. It was 6pm when she finished the treatment on Qiao Yuxin. After saying good bye to Qiao Yuxin, she rejected Little Five's offer to send her home. "You had better stay here and protect Aunt. I think that man is not gonna stop. I'm afraid Aunt Qiao may not be able to handle it alone."

Little Five thought for a while. Young Master did ask him to stay here to protect Madam and to make sure that no one dangerous comes near her. It should be no problem for Miss Xiao to go home by herself, so he said, "Okay, take care on the way, Miss Xiao."

Qiao Liang bought this parcel of land in a suburban area and built this villa, so the transportation here was not convenient. Tang Xi had to walk for some distance before she reached the villa area where there was a bus. However, before she walked to the villa area, a car pulled over in front of her.