Flustered Little Six

As Xiao Yao led his men away, and most of Qiao Liang's men also left silently, Little Five took Lu Guangxiong away.

Qiao Liang held Tang Xi tightly into his arms and kept saying "Sorry" to her. Thinking of what Qiao Liang said to Lu Guangxiong, Tang Xi patted Qiao Liang on the back and hugged him, whispering, "It's alright. Look, I'm fine. You don't have to apologize to me."

Qiao Liang kissed her on the head and said apologetically, "I'm to blame. I knew he had been cornered, but I didn't expect he would investigate your relationship with me and kidnap you."

Tang Xi gave a warm smile. She put her ear against Qiao Liang's chest and listened to his strong heart beats, saying gently, "Fool, I wasn't afraid at all. If I was, I would have asked Yao for help when he called me."