Committed Suicide

Tang Xi looked at Xiao Yan in doubt. "What did Dad ask about me?"

Did Dad see me at that dinner party? He saw that she was with Qiao Liang, so he called to ask whether she was home?

Xiao Yan looked at Tang Xi who looked calm, and he frowned. "He asked whether you were home or hanging out with your friend… Rourou, where were you this evening? I asked Chen Ziyan. She said you were not with her. Can you tell me where you were?"

Tang Xi felt very uncomfortable about Xiao Yan's questioning. She frowned and said seriously, "Yan, I think I have personal freedom, and I'm already an adult. I don't need to report my whereabouts to you. Besides, I didn't do anything bad. You don't have to interrogate me like you are interrogating a criminal."

"Sorry." Xiao Yan immediately apologized and looked at Tang Xi. "I'm your brother, so I care about you. If I make you uncomfortable, I apologize, but I hope you know it's because I truly care about you."