A Close Call

Tang Hao stiffened, and Tang Xi smiled. "And why are you so diffident? Perhaps I will be kicked out of the company by you? But in that case, when I come back in a week and hold a shareholders' meeting again, I may still kick you out. But then you will have a week to work out a way to keep your jobs."

Tang Xi's words reminded the other shareholders. Even if they successfully recalled Tang Xi, once Mr. Tang came back, she would become president again, and then they who voted in favor of the recall of Tang Xi would definitely face Tang Xi's retaliation and then they would end up miserably!

Tang Jieren noticed the other shareholders had been dissuaded by Tang Xi. He scowled and murmured. "I underestimated this woman!"

Tang Yaoren snorted and said coldy, "Don't worry! It's not certain how long she can live. Since there was one air crash, then there can be another one! I'm afraid she may not be able to stay alive for more than a week!"