Just Do It

Amused by Qiao Liang's words, Tang Xi reached out to pat Qiao Liang on the shoulder, and then lowered her head to continue to design the invitation card, saying, "What are you talking about? Although I hit the headlines twice and have had certain visibility in City A, my appeal is still small. Not many people know me. How can I be the endorser of my company?"

"I didn't mean Xiao Rou." Tang Xi gazed deeply at Qiao Liang. Seeing Tang Xi looking at him in puzzlement, he raised his eyebrows before saying, "I mean, let Tang Xi be the endorser. You know Tang Xi is somebody in the fashion industry."

Tang Xi paused and was at a loss at what to say. She stared at Qiao Liang with wide eyes, for quite a while before she found her voice. She pointed at herself, asking, "Tang Xi?"