Let's Break Up

"We haven't found out about that bodyguard's identity. I've searched for that man in the intelligence network, but there isn't any information about him." The woman looked a little ashamed and she said, "I'm sorry I let you down, Boss. I…"

"You'll be able to find that bodyguard by following that woman. This is France, not China! If you still can't find Lov tomorrow, kidnap that woman and bring her to me!" The old man's eyes had a cold gleam, and he said, "Kloss Jones was killed by a Chinese man, and I haven't avenged him! Now Let me send this woman to accompany my brother in the afterlife!"

The woman nodded. "Okay, Boss."

Tang Xi was casually peeling lobsters for herself. After she was full, she curled her lips and glanced at Qiao Liang who was slowly eating lobsters. She then pursed her lips and snorted, saying, "I'm going to the show field by myself! I don't want you to go with me!"