The Strange Bank Account

Kloss Yves took a look at his subordinate who hurriedly took down the number. They all believed Kloss Lov's words, because he was very sensitive to numbers since he was still little. Yves always said Lov was a born businessman, because only businessmen would be so sensitive to numbers. No matter how long the number was, he could memorize it at the first glance of it. Since Lov said this was that man's bank account, they would surely be able to find that man through it.

Kloss Yves looked at his son with a frown and coldly said, "I'll certainly avenge you. Take a good rest at home and I'll handle these affairs."

Kloss Lov's eyes had a ferocious gleam. He looked at his father and said, "Daddy, you search for that man, and I have something else to do. I was set up by a Chinese actress this time. I'll capture her at any expense, even if she has gone back to China! How dare she set me up? I must torture her to death!"