We're No Longer Friends

Qin Xinying looked at Tang Xi and her eyes had a gleam of hatred, but she covered it up. She took a deep breath, stood up to walk up to Tang Xi and suddenly got on her knees. She looked up at Tang Xi and her eyes were full of tears. She looked at Tang Xi pitifully and begged, "You didn't say anything when I took your design drawings! You acquiesced l me using your design drawings. You're also to blame for this! Xixi, if you don't help me, no one can help me out."

"Oh? I'm to blame because you stole my design drawings?" Tang Xi laughed in anger. She had never seen a person more shameless than Qin Xinying! She looked at Qin Xinying who knelt in front of her and gave a cold smile, asking, "Do you mean I should be responsible for this matter?"

According to Qin Xinying's logic, if she stole her knife and killed someone, she would tell judge that Tang Xi was to blame because she bought that knife!