In A Muddle

Seeing the translated text, the policemen looked at each other in shock. They had thought this woman was set up, but it turned out that she did try to murder Tang Xi and got caught. But then they wondered why this woman was so stupid.

Why was she so stupid as to mess up with Mr. Lu's friend? Even their president had to respect Mr. Lu!

Now they were sure that they didn't have to show any respect to this woman. A white policeman pointed at the audio and said to Qin Xinying expressionlessly, "Now we have the evidence. What else do you want to say?"

"I want to see my lawyer! I want to see my lawyer!" Qin Xinying knew she was in big trouble. Now she could only turn to her grandfather for help. As long as her grandfather agreed to help her, even Tang Xi couldn't keep her here! And Grandfather also had some friends in the embassy. He could definitely save her out.

"Lawyer?" The policeman smiled. "You've committed a felony. We can refuse your bail!"