Who Is Behind The Plot

Ning Yan shook his head and said seriously, "These small shrimps are not as important as my current matters." Then he took a look at Tang Xi and Qiao Liang's room and shrugged. "Your Young Master just ordered me to solve this within today. I have to try harder."

Then he waved his hands. "Go ahead. Go ahead."

He acted as if it was none of his business.

Little Six and Little Five exchanged a glance and suddenly wanted to ignore this matter, but then they thought that Miss Xiao Rou was involved in this, so they still took these people away in the end.

When Ning Yan came back to his room, his casual look immediately disappeared and his face darkened. Xiao Rou and Wanyi must have known this news. Wanyi didn't tell him because she was worried about him and wanted to tell him about this news after he woke up. And Xiao Rou must have been reminded by Wanyi not to tell him, so they all kept this news from him.