Do You Mean I'm Unreliable

Wen Ning looked at Tang Xi in surprise. "Xiao Rou, you're already very outstanding. I'm not a 'successful career woman' as you've said but just a tomboy." She paused and said, "And my martial arts were taught by Lu Li. I heard that Qiao Liang is even stronger than Lu Li in this aspect, so you can ask Qiao Liang to teach you."

Then Wen Ning winked at her naughtily. "I think Qiao Liang must be very happy to teach you martial arts, especially close quarters combat."

Tang Xi looked at Wen Ning with wide open eyes. She had thought Wen Ning was of a serious kind, so she was surprised at her "blue humor" and couldn't help her blushing…

Seeing Tang Xi embarrassed, Wen Ning laughed and patted on Tang Xi's shoulder. "In fact I asked Qiao Liang to call you over to ask you for a favor."

"Ask me for a favor?" Tang Xi was surprised. Wen Ning would ask her for a favor? And she seemed to really need her help, so she asked, "What can I do for you?"