My Queen

After the women's wear, it was the men's wear and then the Haute Couture. Now all the women's wear had almost been shown, and there weren't many men's wear left, so Tang Xi was in a hurry to change. Fortunately, the dress was not very hard to put on.

After she walked out in that dress, Li Manyan gasped… She came over and smoothed the dress for her, exclaiming, "President Tang, you look gorgeous! No wonder you are the last to go on stage! You're way too beautiful! I have to say, you are a genius in design!"

Tang Xi smiled, stood in front of the mirror and let Li Manyan smoothen the dress for her. "This dress is not designed by me alone. President Chu designed it with me."

Li Manyan exclaimed again, "God, President Chu is not only a genius in management but also in design! What a masterpiece! You look like a little fairy in this dress!"