
The next morning, when Tang Xi woke up, Qiao Liang had left the room, but he had bought breakfast for her before he left. Looking at the breakfast on the table, Tang Xi felt warm in her heart. She sent Qiao Liang a message via WeChat and went to wash up and have breakfast. After breakfast, she called her assistant, asking her to come to the hotel.

Tang Xi was already ready when her assistant arrived. The latter handed her the documents she prepared. Tang Xi took the documents, took a look at it and nodded. "We're going to meet the presidents of the top four companies in City A. Get ready for it."

Climbing up to where she was today from a common assistant, her assistant was very able. She nodded. "I've investigated He Wanzhou, the president of He Xing Group, President Qiao and President Xiao last night. You can rest assured, President."

Tang Xi gave her an admiring look and nodded. "Good, let's go then."