

Argus said as he collapsed on the ground. His right hand was holding his chest trying to prevent the blood from gushing out of his chest.

He looked at her with his golden pupils. Hate seeping out of his pores. That elegant and pure figure which he used to be so infatuated with.

He was willing to even kill himself for her.

Not anymore…

Her face was shrouded in shadows. She sat down in front of his desk inserting a nano cable in to the server and connecting it to a black metal cube. It was a hard drive.

The entire desk was a computer in itself. Four holographic screens surfaced.

A spinning circle appeared on Argus's wristwatch but he knew it was going to be useless.

She had obviously been prepared before she came here.

He flipped over looking at the ceiling. The fact that she betrayed him made him feel despair but the fact that the Gaia Family also betrayed him plunged Argus in the steepest depths of hell. His grandfather as well.

'So much for flesh and blood eh….'

Argus with the last throes of his consciousness raised his wristwatch to his mouth and muttered a few words:

"Activate Sebastian."

The connection with external networks couldn't be established but internal networks were fully operational. As such,'Sebastian' could be activated.

A slight smile surfaced on his face as he closed his eyes and his breath stopped. The floor around him had been stained with blood.

He was dressed completely in white.A constantly expanding circle of blood formed with him as the center.

Argus Gaia.

The Legend of The Prodigy Had Ended.

The boy who had shocked the world at a tender age of fourteen.

The boy who propelled the Gaia Family from the backwater Halcon to the center of the universe,literally and figuratively.




A progress bar appeared on the holographic screen. An endless stream of files were being scanned,copied and then they were wiped.

This type of information needed to be secured. The organization couldn't allow the leak of such technology.

As soon as the progress bar reached one hundred the woman pulled out the nano cable and got up from her seat.

She was wearing blue jeans folded at her knees and a white T-shirt giving off a pure vibe. Her face shrouded in shadows.

She grabbed her necklace. It was a simple chain. She picked up the cube and pressed it against the chain. As soon as it touched the chain it disappeared. It was a spatial item.

She looked at her wrist watch. There was a timer on it.

2 min 33 sec…

2 min 32 sec…

2 min 31 sec…

'Time's running out…' She thought as she got up and retrieved a nuclear pen. Although there were better and more efficient options but a good majority of explosives leave some sort of digital signal which could be traced one way or the other not to mention the fact that physical components were strictly regulated.

As for nuclear explosives...uranium could be easily found in any small scale city. Not to mention pirates and illegal manufacturers.

Investigators wouldn't go through so much trouble. The case would be closed as soon as possible because of public pressure and the influence of the organization.

The woman activated the pen,put it on the desk and walked towards the now dead Argus.

She looked at his face and the slight smile on it and felt an unexpected chill. She shook her head as she thought:

'What am I thinking?'

Despite these thoughts she took off his wrist watch. It would have detailed logs. She wanted to know why she felt such an uncomfortable vibe.

She went into the elevator travelling to the space pod. It was docking station for small space vehicles.

She went up to a red pod. It only had a single seat. It was Argus's so she knew the password.

She sat in comfortably and deactivated the self-navigation mode opting to use the manual mode. It was a habit. Whether she was piloting mechs or space shuttles she didn't want to put her fate in other people's hands.

As she was travelling comfortably. She activated the rear view camera. Soon a huge circular structure appeared in front of her. This metal beast was actually Argus's personal space shuttle. It was fully automated. A space shuttle the size of a small city and only Argus,the woman,Argus's Grandfather and a few others had access to it.

Repairs,maintenance and other technicalities were done on board. Energy was produced on-board. Repairs and maintenance was carried out on board. As for the wastes it was dumped in space.

As for space conservation laws who would even dare touch the Gaia Family. Their friends in military would act before the Gaia Family itself did.

A few seconds later a massive explosion resounded throughout space.

A small mushroom cloud extended from its center. Following it,like a chain reaction were subsequent explosions from all around it. The sight of a small city exploding was dazzling.

The multiple reactors present throughout the space shuttle were the main cause for the space city's demise.

'The Gaia's Ark Exploded.'

It would be the top news for the next few months spreading throughout the galaxy second only to the death of Argus Gaia.

The woman closed her eyes trying to get some shut eye unaware that a small purple pod travelling away from Gaia's Ark at it's top speed.

'Sebastian' was written in a flamboyant manner on its surface but that is a story for another time.

An illusory circular orb of light was floating in space. It's colour was azure. It was covered in eyeballs of various sizes. The various eyeballs seemed to darting around as if looking for something.

Suddenly a ray of pitch black light appeared out of nowhere. The orb of light was directly in its path.

As soon as the ray touched the orb it disappeared.




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