
Erik shuffled into the sterile white room and sat on the metal gurney. On the other side of the room was a large mirror with another door next to it. He guessed that this would be a one way mirror viewing gallery for aggrieved family members to watch the final moments of the person who murdered their loved ones. He scratched his head as he mused that, besides those leech-like reporters, surely there wouldn't be anyone so interested in his final moments.

The finality of death affects each person differently. Some people break down in tears, some beg for more time, some explode in anger, however Erik only felt peace. He knew he lived his life honestly and tried to do the right thing for each decision that he made. Unfortunately society had branded him as a heretic. It didn't matter, he had a clean conscience and he could die with his head held high.

Suddenly the loud blaring of an alarm rang out while a voice shouted over a PA system, "Initiate lock-down, initiate lock-down! All guards respond to cell block D! This is not a drill, initiate lock-down!"

As if on queue, Agent Hendricks crossed the room and opened the far door as he looked expectantly at Erik. "Let's go professor." he said as he motioned towards the door with his head.

Surprise flickered in Erik's eyes before he hopped off the gurney and shuffled through the door. They walked in silence through empty corridors until they left the confines of the prison. A non-descript black sedan was waiting at their exit point. Under normal circumstances this appeared to be the loading dock where laundry and food were delivered for the normal operation of the prison. It currently stood empty and abandoned. While Agent Hendricks removed Erik's shackles he lifted his head and closed his eyes, bathing in the sunlight. It had been months since he had enjoyed such a simple pleasure.

Once the final cuff was removed, as if by mutual understanding, they both walked to the sedan and got in; Erik in the back seat and Agent Hendricks in the front passenger seat. The sedan pulled away and left the penitentiary.

Erik's mind was filled with questions, but he kept silence. If he started asking questions now, he felt like it would put him in the position of a supplicant....a position of weakness. He preferred to have the information offered to him. Even if it was a petty distinction, he still wanted to cling to whichever advantages he could gain.

After thirty minutes of silence Agent Hendricks finally spoke, "Professor Ullrich, in the eyes of your family, your friends and the world at large you are now dead." He cleared his throat before continuing, "Unfortunately in the eyes of a select few within the government you are still needed. If the world was not facing an imminent crisis, that white room would have been your last memory."

Erik nodded silently as he listened to the gruff man speak.

"Eight years ago Dr. Yoshida, the leading solar astrophysicist discovered an alarming abnormality with the solar cycles. After further study and calculations he came to the conclusion that the sun was transitioning into a super-nova cycle. His models predicted a super-nova event within 125 years."

Erik was surprised by this news, "I thought Dr. Yoshida died when burglars broke into his house and murdered him with his family..." his thought trailed off when a sudden understanding came to his mind.

"Dr. Yoshida was dead set on publishing his findings to the scientific community at large. If released, this would have caused worldwide panic, so certain measures had to be carried out."

A hissing sound echoed from the back seat as Erik sharply inhaled. These were cruel people involved in a conspiracy that could shake the world. He thought back to his colleague Professor Green, who was always spouting the latest conspiracy. Everyone treated him like he was crazy, but now he didn't seem so crazy at all.

"These findings were suppressed, but the world governments immediately sprung into action. From this project Noah was created. When the sun goes super-nova the earth will be completely engulfed and life as we know it will cease to exist. Project Noah is essentially an amalgamation of humanity's efforts to create starships that will take mankind to the next earth."

Erik nodded to himself while he thought, "Project Noah is an appropriate name. In the Bible Noah built a huge wooden boat that carried him and all of earth's life through a great flood allowing them to survive the disaster. This is the same idea, but on a much greater scale."

"What do you need me for?" Erik finally asked.

Agent Hendricks smiled as he continued, "Your research in sustainable power and mechanical systems is absolutely essential to the success of this project. These starships will most likely travel through space for multiple generations, hundreds of years. As such the underlying technology must be as sustainable and durable as possible. Many of the basic mechanisms have been worked out, however there are still many questions and difficult problems to solve. Most of these mechanisms were based on your research. Of course there is sharing of information between each government, however we can not rely on them to share everything, nor will we open our vaults and show all of our technologic advantages either."

Erik finally understood why such an exception was made for him. He also caught the subtle underlying implication Agent Hendrick was giving him. While he was able to make significant contributions to the project he would continue to live, but they could eliminate him whenever they decided he had outlived his usefulness.

"If so much of this project is based on my work, why wasn't I contacted earlier?"

Agent Hendrick sighed as he pulled out a cigarette. He rolled down the window of the car before lighting up. He took a deep drag and exhaled before he replied, "We had every intention of approaching you, however as we looked into your background we noticed the active investigation the University had already initiated. In the short term this caused a great headache, but in hindsight it seems like you did us a great favor. Even with the urgency of this project, a lot of strings had to be pulled just to make you disappear. The exit of the prison was left empty and unguarded so none of the prisoners or guards could see us leave. The lock-down was initiated to keep everyone busy and corralled. Once the lock-down is resolved, another body will leave that room in a bag and be taken to be cremated. Those reporters will undoubtedly record the entire morbid procession. As for the details of project Noah, things will be much more clear once we arrive."

Erik shifted his attention back to the rolling landscape outside. They drove in silence for hours, only stopping for gasoline, food and bathroom breaks along the way. As they drove the environment changed from a verdant green to a yellow-red desert landscape. They finally pulled off the deserted highway into a small outlook parking lot next to a fenced in area. There were several RV's already parked there with people standing at the fence with binoculars. A large white sign on the fence posted a warning, "Area 51, any unauthorized entry is prohibited - No Trespassing"

"Seriously?" Erik asked.

Agent Hendrick shrugged and walked towards a small box-like white shack with a large antennae attached to the side. It looked like a simple communication tower for mounting cell phone nodes and relaying radio signals.

As they neared the door Erik continued, "You know how cliche this is right?"

Agent Hendrick snorted and smirked as he opened the plain door.

Erik did a double take when he saw this. It was the first time he had seen any sort of emotion cross the stoic man's face since they left the prison. After the door closed the agent made a quick call with his phone. "The package has arrived, confirmation Bravo Uniform Tango Tango Hotel Oscar Lima Echo, over"

A click suddenly sounded out and Erik felt his stomach drop. Agent Hendrick turned to him with amusement in his eyes, "All that out there is just a distraction. This is actually area 51. Sometimes hiding something in plain sight is better than shrouding it in mystery. All of those 'area 51' buildings are empty, but since the general public holds such a fascination with it, why not perpetuate the myth to our advantage?"

"So Area 51 is real? I thought all these conspiracies were the ramblings of madmen. Are you going to tell me JFK was an inside job as well?"

Agent Hendrick shuffled and coughed uncomfortably.

"Oh Jesus Christ Hendrick! My whole life is a lie. Forget it, I'm not going to ask any more questions. Forget about aliens, 9/11, the moon landing, illuminati or DB Cooper. I don't want to know, just let me be happy in ignorance." Erik said in exasperation.

After another minute of uncomfortable silence the building shuddered and stopped. The backside slid open revealing a massive cavern filled with bustling activity. In the background a massive metal hulk occupied the majority of the space. Erik could only see a portion of its true size because it extended both upwards from where they came and down deeper into the ground. There was scaffolding attached to the sides where the sparks of welding could be seen. To the sides men in white lab coats were pouring over schematic drawings with flat electronic tablets in their hands. The scale of this project was massive. An elderly Asian man flanked by two uniformed guards holding semi-automatic rifles greeted them as they stepped out of the elevator disguised as an antennae tower.

"Professor Ullrich, welcome to Project Noah! We are so glad you could join us. I'm Dr. Yoshida, let me get you settled in!" he smiled as he led them off to a side passage.

"Down this corridor are the living quarters. You have been assigned B-6. Inside you will find a tablet that has been pre-loaded with a list of pending items, current projects and specific problems that we could use your help on. Use today to rest and familiarize yourself with the system. Tomorrow will be a busy day!"

"I thought you were dead..." Erik said in disbelief

Dr. Yoshida chuckled as he handed Erik an ID card with his photo already on it, "This card will give you access to your living suite as well all the areas of the compound where you have been granted access." Once finished he turned around left the corridor.

As the Asian man left Erik turned to his stoic companion, "Agent Hendrick, I wish I could say it has been a pleasure. Hopefully the next time we meet will be under better circumstances." Holding his hand out, he shook the agent's hand with a firm grip before swiping his badge and stepping into his new home.