Tournaments (2)

After the first goal, I keep my momentum going! I made the puppies triumph easy peasy... not! I wish I could have said that.

The opposite team made their characteristic Blitzkrieg tactic and made an easy goal. Since our defense consisted of kids who some still wet their beds I can't call it strong. They simply passed them from the left side while I was on the right, didn't matter that they were like 5 or 6 kids on the defense, they didn't have even the basics learned yet. Jesus, just give me puppies at least they would be more helpful than this guys.

So, in the end, we had a fierce match. The first half we ended 2-1 with us winning. The second goal I made making a simple faint and the goalkeeper just jumped the wrong way.

On the break between the halves, our coach congratulated us, especially me, and tried to make an illusion that all of this result of winning against one of "the top dogs" was the result of all the training they did. Some of the kids were excited, while others were busy playing who could splash water the farthest. I always admire their ability to get distracted so easily, maybe if this were the future they would diagnosticate them with ADHD.

Anyway, the second half began and I had a plan in my mind. I met with my trusty number 2 puppy, HAHA number 2 puppy. The moment I calm myself my kid instincts kicked in, Jesus be serious over here! As I was saying, I called him and another player, he was the biggest, slowest kid in our whole team. The mighty worm-eating number 7! He was a black kid with 1.25 meters tall! I was only 1 meter tall and the number 2 was 1.05 meters tall. So it this dude was huge for our age.

As I was telling them my idea they nodded, at least he wasn't dumb as he looks. I was worried I had to tell him 3 times the plan before he understood. So I intentionally told them my plan in the simplest way I could do it.

With that out of our way, I told the remaining 8 players to go to all-in on defensive playing. If they can't steal the ball, make fouls. Hey, it's not my fault that the old man and the fucking system are forcing me to win all the matches, if some kids need to get hurt they will get hurt. Either way, this will help them to realize if they really like football or not, I'm actually helping them!

As all the pieces were in place we began to play, we had the kickoff since the other team had it on the first half. I took the ball and began to dodge player left and right but I was slowly being encircled by no least than 8 players. Perfect! I kicked the ball all in the air with direction towards the left side of the field where a huge black kid was standing like a fool. He made a lame 20 cm jump and the ball hit him squarely on the face. Ouch! That must hurt like hell!

As the ball bounced off with the direction towards the goalkeeper, this dude actually wanted to grab the ball while leaving his goal post empty! FOOL! Our quick number 2 actually was behind this giant but nobody paid any attention to him since he was behind him all the time. He was a screen to let our number 2 advance smoothly!

The number 2 took the ball that was a few centimeters away from the goalkeeper's hands and made a quick dribble and made a...


I shouted with all my strength while the number 2 was lifted in the air by the worm-eater! It seems that it was the first goal of the kid, he was even crying. Oh, how good memories of my first goal, it was on the 7th tournament against also a top dog, that's why it was so satisfying. Good old days..Wait a minute, this is the same time, so wasn't my first goal on the first half? And my first goal was with a team named the puppies? That motherfucker old man! I will get him when the match is over!

I looked at his direction and his mouth was filled with nachos with cheese! He was shouting with the mouth full of food! My mother was smiling at me, looking like "as expected" not even a cheer for your little guy? Maybe she didn't need to do it because of that old man antics! Yep, that must be it, yep, sure is because of that.

Denying? You are denying! Your whole family is denying!

After that score, the morale of the foxes was instantly crushed, their coach tried to lift their spirits but it was no use. We even scored one additional goal using the number 7 as a wall between their team defense and our passes between the number 2 and me. It was a simple but effective tactic!

With the whistle marking the end of the match we made a big circle and congratulated each other, mostly they were praising me and the number 2. I also mentioned that the number 7 was a huge help, making the giant blush while they congratulated him! We made a round of handshaking with the opponent team and we were off to our excited parents!

I went to my mother and she handed me a bottle of cold water and told me "Good thing that all the expenses and training we made were actually working! Keep winning so we actually have a reason to come here!"

I chuckled and thanked her, my mother was not good at encouraging me, she tried very hard but she always made a comment to splash my winning. It took me a long time in my past life to realize that, even got mad at her a couple of times.

My coach was running with a beer in his hand while coming towards me. Where did he get a beer on a kids game match? I made a signal with my hand at my back and the number 2 who was near chatting with her mother kicked the ball towards the back of my feet. I stomped on the ball and made a quick strong kick towards my coach.

He dived toward the ground and his beer splashed on the ground. He looked at the can of empty beer and shouted at me "WHY DID YOU DID THAT YOU ... KIDDO?" he even controlled his insult on the peak of anger, his awareness of the environment and quick reflexes are top notch that's for sure.

I whistled and said "Not bad at all old man! Next time put me in a team with a cool name like "the lions", "the dragons" or "David and the rest"!"

That quickly made him laugh and said "HAHAHA this is a lesson! A lesson! Sometimes you would go to a team with no info whatsoever and have to coordinate with them! If you are not worthy to make use of your teammates and exploit the other team weak spots you are not worthy of my coaching!" He fished saying that and took a huge swing of a new beer can that appears from nowhere.

And with that, I won the first game on the first tournament that will be just the beginning of the tournament tour that was ahead of me.