Be My Disciple

Even though the Swallow Capital University's Institute of Martial Arts was one of the best universities in China, almost anyone could enter its campus. This was shocking to Di Jiu, as universities back in the Ji Nation would have been suspicious of strangers entering their campus.

"Excuse me! Do you know where the Institute of Martial Arts is?" Di Jiu asked a student as soon as he entered the Swallow Capital University.

The student looked at Di Jiu before pointing to the left and saying, "Follow this path all the way to the lake and you will see the building. You can only look at it from the outside, though. You will not be allowed to enter."

Before Di Jiu could ask why, the student had already walked out of the campus.

The pavement on the left was four-lanes wide. It was rare to see such a spacious pavement on a campus, even back in the Ji Nation. This showed how prestigious the Institute of Martial Arts of the Swallow Capital University was.