It’s Difficult To Be Kind

Feng Qi's lips curled up with a hint of mockery as he uncovered the dice cup under everyone's watchful eyes. He knew very well what the numbers were. They were 2, 4 and 6, so definitely not triple sixes.

As an experienced casino worker, he inevitably flipped one of the dice with a gentle push as he was uncovering the cup.

Di Jiu, who could see everything through his mental strength, combined his Quintessential Essence with his mental strength and changed all three dice to 6.

No matter how good Feng Qi was, he only knew the numbers he had shaken up. He would never be able to tell that the numbers on the dice had changed, no matter how exceptional his skills were.

As soon as the dice cup was uncovered, everyone gasped.

All three dice displayed the number 6, so the result was truly a triple 6.