The Auction Begins

As Di Jiu had expected, no one came to the door after he killed Qian Qijiang. It actually seemed like nothing had happened on Fairy No. 7. If rumor of the 260 billion circulated on the fairy, the Heavenly Immortal Casino would close down immediately.

No one had seen Di Jiu, who had participated in the gambling event, Qian Qijiang, who owned the casino, and Feng Qi, who had gambled, after that incident.

Qian Qijiang and Feng Qi had been kicked into the sea by Di Jiu, while Di Jiu had resumed practising in his room. Although he did not use the Spirit Stone to practise, he kept training his mental power.

Two days later, his use of his mental power was more accurate and he was more satisfied with his achievements.

He knew that if he fought against a man of the same strength who knew how to use his mental power, while he did not know, he would definitely lose.