The Madman Of The Auction

Di Jiu truly believed that, if one ring had already been found on the Fairy Planet, a second ring would appear.

The next auction item was a long spear from the Fairy Planet. Di Jiu, who remained completely uninterested, took out the second jade slip to look at it instead.

The second jade slip contained an introduction to a sect called the Crimson Sea Array Sect and all the essential information one needed to know when they entered it. This included information on monthly missions, sect contribution, sect rules for outer sect disciples, and more.

Di Jiu pushed the jade slip carelessly aside. This information was useless to him. If he had not looked at the jade slip that introduced this language, he would not have understood anything on this jade slip anyway.

Di Jiu lifted the third jade slip to his forehead. The first line of words explained how to refine array flags for disciples of the array flag peak.