The Tiny Treant's Thing

Wailing screams could be heard after countless tree roots were cut off by Di Jiu. The tree net that formed above Di Jiu and Yu Jie suddenly began to collapse. Perhaps Di Jiu's knife was too terrifying, because the tree roots that formed the net in an effort to locate and target Di Jiu and Yu Jie immediately shrank back. In the blink of an eye, countless severed tree roots were lying on the ground.

"Phew!" Yu Jie breathed a sigh of relief. She had not been able to calm down while there had been circles of tree roots above her head that could have killed her at any time. However, now that Di Jiu had cut the net down, her fear had lessened a lot.

"Wait for me here. I'll go take a look." After severing the tree root net, Di Jiu was far less worried. As long as he could stop the tree roots from passing by him, Yu Jie would be safe.

Di Jiu did not wait for her to answer. He just walked straight towards the Tiny Treant again.