Testing Spirit Roots

Di Jiu looked inside the money pouch Jing Moshuang had given him. It contained 10 silver coins and several dozens of copper coins.

Di Jiu was familiar with using gold, silver and copper coins. Although the Ji Nation was very technologically advanced, its residents still used golden coins and silver coins along with paper notes.

Di Jiu had originally thought that this amount of money would last him a few days. When he started to search for an inn to stay at, however, he realized that the amount of money he had was insufficient.

The worst inn in Lonely River City charged one silver coin for a night's stay, and meals cost additional money. Any slightly better inns charged at least five silver coins per night. However, money was not the only issue. Actually, there were no more vacant rooms available at any of the inns in Lonely River City. All the inns were fully occupied.