Joining The Galaxy Sect

Because of the doubts in his heart, Di Jiu believed that after he and Geng Jihua joined the sect, Elder Yu would definitely come to see them again. When he did, Di Jiu would find out why he had decided to take them in.

What puzzled Di Jiu was that three days after the immortal sect recruitment had ended, he still had not seen Elder Yu.

When Geng Jihua boarded the huge immortal dharma ship, he started touching everything excitedly.

Even though Di Jiu had been focused on finding Elder Yu, he had not seen the old man again by the time the ship took off.

The speed of the immortal ship was very fast. The ship would be flying for a day and a night before it stopped at a huge square.

"This place really exists, Brother Jiu. It's like an immortal land." Geng Jihua, who was standing behind Di Jiu, saw the vast imperial gate and got excited again.