Moshuang Gets Beaten Up

Geng Jihua paced outside Di Jiu's lodging for a day, yet Di Jiu did not open his door. Geng Jihua dared not knock. There was no more joy left on his face after entering the Galaxy Sect.

It had been four days ever since he had joined the Galaxy Sect. During the first three days, he had attended lessons and attempted cultivating before going back to his lodging. Three days had passed, yet he still failed to sense any Spirit Qi, much less cultivate the Galaxy Art by using one of the three methods.

Geng Jihua believed that his potential was truly garbage. Their teacher had clearly said that everyone could cultivate the Galaxy Art after all.

Boom! Geng Jihua, who had been pacing anxiously, suddenly sensed a vibration coming from Di Jiu's house. He walked to the door hurriedly and pressed his ear against it.

One hour later, Di Jiu's door suddenly opened.