The Marsh Ocean Forest

When Di Jiu walked up to him with his flying sword, Ouyang Tao came back to his senses and shouted in fear, "You can't kill me, Di Jiu! My Great Uncle is the head of the Creek Metal Peak. If you kill me, he will find out immediately. No matter where you go, you will be chased and killed."

Di Jiu's heart started palpitating. Although he had originally planned on killing Ouyang Tao after asking him some questions, Ouyang Tao's words made him a little apprehensive.

"That's true…" Di Jiu muttered.

When he sensed that Di Jiu seemed to be moved, Ouyang Tao said hurriedly, "It is. I wouldn't lie to you."

When he felt Di Jiu's killing intent weaken, Ouyang Tao took a jade bottle out of his storage bag. Before he could open the bottle, the flying sword in Di Jiu's hand vibrated. "Are you thinking of sending this information back?"

"No, no. I just wanted to drink a healing elixir…" Ouyang Tao's hand shook in agitation.