The Qi Family’s Essence Soul Ancestors

The Marsh Ocean Forest had gotten its name because most of its area was densely covered by endless trees. The forest there was also different from other places, as any part of it could be a secret swamp sea. Although it might seem like there was nothing wrong with it, when one stepped a foot inside the forest, they could discover a hidden swamp. Once one stepped into a hidden swamp, it would be really hard to escape.

If it were not for the Tiny Treant's sensitivity to danger, Di Jiu and Geng Jihua would have fallen into a swamp multiple times. Thanks to the Tiny Treant, the three of them had only encountered a monster on the road. However, they had not gotten in danger.

Even so, two days later, Geng Jihua eventually fell into a swamp.

He stepped on a boulder that disappeared in the blink of an eye, revealing the muddy swamp around it. There was no way to climb out of the mud.