Soaring Strength

If the largest test trial site for lower-level cultivators in the northern province was the Marsh Ocean Forest, then the largest test trial site in the entire Polar Night Continent was the Million Sky Market.

The Million Sky Market was in the East, but the cultivators who went there for test trials were not only from the East. The cultivators of the entire Polar Night Continent were tested at the Million Sky Market. Even Golden Core cultivators would enter the Million Sky Market to find cultivation resources.

The reason the Million Sky Market was so famous was because it was close to the largest battlefield in the Polar Night Continent.

It was rumored that a long time ago, the Polar Night Continent had belonged to the Night Star Continent. It was unclear how the Night Star Continent had suddenly split into two continents, yet one of the two continents was the Polar Night Continent, while the other was called the Half-Screen Continent.