What The Hunchback Wants

"My strength is too weak. I don't feel comfortable joining forces with you." Di Jiu, who had noticed the problem, felt his unwillingness to cooperate with the hunchback increase.

The hunchback smiled sinisterly. "I understand your concern, but if you cooperate well, I swear that I will never harm you…"

"Would you swear on your ashes that you won't harm me?" Di Jiu, who naturally knew that the hunchback's reply was not worth much, simply wanted the other party to swear.

When he heard this, a killing intent flashed in the hunchback's eyes. Then, he smiled. "Alright, you are smart. We will do it your way then."

He had never intended to kill Di Jiu. If he had, there would be no need to cooperate with him.

He simply did not consider a weakling like Di Jiu a threat.