Truths And Lies

The first thing that Di Jiu did after returning to his room was replace all the restrictions inside it. His original array formation restriction had been fourth-level, so he replaced it with a first-level Defense Array and even arranged a Spirit-Gathering Array that ranged from rough to exquisite. Then, he changed the storage bag restriction to a first-level rough restriction.

It didn't take long for him to do this. Suddenly, Qi Qian yelled anxiously outside Di Jiu's rough array formation restriction, "Brother Zimo!"

Di Jiu quickly opened the restriction and saw the fat manager and the ninth-level Foundation Establishment cultivator. In addition, there was also a sixth-level Golden Core cultivator.

"Captain Mou, this is the person who stole my Glass Nacre Herb and Pure Heaven Saber Gold." The moment Di Jiu came out, the fat shopkeeper started shouting at him.