Di Jiu's Combat Strength

When Di Jiu rushed out, his Spiritual Force sensed that a Golden Core cultivator was shadowing him. This Golden Core cultivator was accompanied by the fat manager and the fella at the ninth-stage Foundation Establishment Realm.

Di Jiu was relieved. He had been afraid that the fat man would not come out. As long as he did, he was scared of nothing.

Di Jiu had obtained many good items from the Qi Family's Commercial Building, so he was currently wearing a full-body, supreme-grade armor. Armor was the best item to use when dealing with this kind of Beast Tide.

"What is this person trying to do?" asked the Golden Core cultivator shadowing Di Jiu when he saw Di Jiu rush out to the front line.

Although no one dared stay on the flying boat, anyone who went out was not foolish enough to rush up to the front.

"He is probably relying on his own strength to stand out," said the ninth-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator hesitantly.