No Life-Force Under The Peak

Di Jiu did not care about the beetle, His eyes immediately fell on the Golden Core cultivator next to the Tiny Treant. That man was also at the seventh-stage Golden Core Realm. The restriction on the Tiny Treant was consistent with the aura of this guy, so it was obvious that the Tiny Treant had been imprisoned by him.

As soon as Di Jiu appeared, the Golden Core cultivator of the Qi Family's Commercial Building took a few steps back unconsciously.

The Qi Family's Essence Soul Ancestor had said earlier that if they met Di Jiu while they were alone and Di Jiu was already a Golden Core cultivator, they would have to avoid him.

However, even if the Essence Soul Ancestor had not said this, they would not have provoked Di Jiu. He had robbed the northern province headquarters of the Qi Family's Commercial Building in the North Ridge City and killed 19 Golden Core cultivators, so a fifth-level Golden Core cultivator like him was nothing compared to Di Jiu.