
Di Jiu had been sixth months in seclusion when he attained the seventh-stage Golden Core Realm. He immediately stopped cultivating. He did not know when the Sky Screen would close and he was unwilling to waste all his time in reclusive cultivation.

Thanks to the blue spirit meridian, he could cultivate anytime he wanted outside, so he did not need to be within the Sky Screen.

"Congratulations for your greatly-improved cultivation, Big Brother. Thanks to you, I have also attained level-three," said Little Tree proudly.

For demon plants, breakthroughs were a slow process. The Tiny Tree Root was not a demon plant with an exceptional origin. However, it had lived longer, so attaining level-three was the best thing that could happen to it.

Di Jiu felt his heart ache when he saw that the blue spirit meridian had become much smaller. He immediately lifted his hand and put away the spirit meridian and the frosty pearl hurriedly.