The Vile Soul Lake

"Senior Brother Di Jiu…" A helpless cry traveled from the outside. As Di Jiu's Spiritual Force swept out, he saw a lady in a wretched state rush over.

The lady was covered in blood, her tattered clothes clinging to her body. Her skin was exposed, and her hair was disheveled. She actually looked extremely wretched.

"Congratulations on improving your cultivation, Big Brother." Little Tree was not concerned about anyone else, so when it saw Di Jiu stand up, it immediately went up and congratulated him.

"You are Senior Brother Di Jiu…" The wretched lady calmed down when she came closer, as if she could not believe what she was seeing.

Di Jiu used a dusting spell on himself before he casually took out an article of clothing and put it on. "That's right, I'm Di Jiu," he said. "But I have never seen you before."

Despite what he said, Di Jiu felt that this lady was a little familiar. He must have seen her before.