The Sky Screen Closing

Jian Yiwu became more uncertain. If this had been an ordinary situation, he would already have left. He was a very cautious man who treasured his life.

However, he had to obtain the mental strength training jade slip. Why else would he have stayed in such a remote place like the Polar Night Continent for so many years? Hadn't he done this for the mental strength training jade slip? How could he walk away now, when he had finally found a clue about the jade slip?

"I will try to experience this." As soon as Jian Yiwu spoke, a long stick appeared in his palm and a smoldering, sinister wind shrouded the surrounding space. If the short man hadn't been strong, Jian Yiwu would not have been so polite. He would have simply killed him and ended this.

"Is that a three-door node?" The dark-skinned man was stunned. To be honest, this type of dharma treasure was rare.