Fifth-Level Dao Fire

"You don't have to worry, you are lucky. I have a Geocentric Flame Crystal here. I got it when I was in the Cultivation World. I will give it to you." Qian Fenghua's hand shook as a purple-red crystal landed in Di Jiu's hand.

This was obviously an ordinary crystal, yet as Di Jiu held it in his hand, it felt as hot as if he was holding onto a fire cage.

Di Jiu quickly bowed in respect and said, "Sir, this is too expensive. I don't deserve it."

Di Jiu naturally knew that the Geocentric Flame Crystal was a ninth-level material that could make any flame advance three levels. This kind of thing was extremely invaluable in the Polar Night Continent.

Qian Fenghua laughed. "It seems like you are quite knowledgeable. This is indeed very valuable to you, but it is no longer useful to me."