The Five Continents

"Your talent is indeed the best I've ever seen. I originally intended to guide you on how to condense saber intent a month later so your saber intent could obtain initial success. You've done even better than I imagined. In just a month, you've already gained saber intent initial success. Your saber intent is no longer scattered and messy. It has actually improved. By using more metamorphosis, it could attain large success. Now, you have the qualifications to compete against any other genius," praised Qian Fenghua.

He was not implying that Di Jiu qualified because he had comprehended the different levels of saber intent. Unlike before, Di Jiu had understood the meaning of saber intent, so he would be able to have a clear sense of which Dao techniques and supernormal cultivation techniques to cultivate.

Di Jiu bowed. "Thank you for your guidance, sir. If it weren't for you, I would still be clueless and ignorant. In my heart, you are my Master."