The Sword Heart

The 65th level similarly had 18 rings that were filled with a killing aura. By scanning this place with his Spiritual Force, Di Jiu realized that it was designed for metal-element body-tempering. There were way fewer cultivators tempering their body there. There were actually only two people on this level.

Di Jiu did not choose to temper his body there. His Spiritual Force sensed that the difference in body-tempering between the 65th and the 64th level was not big. He was currently at the Soul Realm of the Three-Monarch Realm. Thus, he would not be able to break through to the True Monarch Realm, even if he underwent body-tempering till next year.

After gaining insight into the Foundation Order of the 65th level, Di Jiu entered the 66th level.

The 66th level was a body-tempering level designed for the wood element. The 67th level was designed for the water element, and the 68th level for the earth element…