Facing The Five Large Sect Masters

Di Jiu thought that once he left the pagoda, Ji Hongchuan would attack him frantically. He was astonished when Ji Hongchuan did not do that. Instead, he looked at Di Jiu calmly and asked, "What kind of supernormal ability was that footstep?"

This fella was really patient. Had he misjudged Ji Hongchuan's violent temper? Logically speaking, this fella would not let this matter rest now that he'd stepped on his face.

Before Di Jiu could answer, Xuanyuan Kong's Aerial Star Axe slashed at Ji Hongchuan. "You bastard! You caused me to only be able to ascend to the 90th level. I would be your grandson if I let you off today!"

Boom! Contrary to Xuanyuan Kong's expectations, the lacerating flare created by the Aerial Star Axe did not send Xuanyuan Kong flying. The saber Xuanyuan Kong was carrying was unsheathed before it transformed into a white flare. This flare landed on Xuanyuan Kong's axe blade, creating an explosion of Quintessential Essence.