Passageway To The Immortal World

"You shouldn't have given the Void Lattice Elixir Shu Haolan gave you to Hu Yipan. Shu Haolan is suspicious in nature. What you did will only make him backtrack," said Huan Mingzi casually as he took a sip of the tea.

Di Jiu's heart sank. Ever since he had obtained the Void Lattice Elixir from Shu Haolan, he had never thought of consuming it. That was why he had casually offered it to Hu Yipan. Thinking back now, what he had done had been truly foolish.

He was not afraid of offending Hu Yipan, but he would be helpless if Shu Haolan grew suspicious of him. Returning to the Everlasting Domain Planet's Yalun Continent would be a joke in that case. He would have to go through a bitter fight to enter the Sea Roll and head to the Yalun Continent. Shu Haolan could head over anytime he wanted.

Right now, there was no point in heading to the Yalun Continent. The only thing he could do was search for a place to hide and cultivate until he attained the True Form Realm.